The Simplest Things Are The Most Profound
A sunrise or a sunset. Happens every day, doesn’t it? And until we really notice and become aware of that sunrise or sunset, it just seems like such a simple, almost mundane thing. The sun comes up. The sun goes down. The sun comes up. The sun goes down… But, what majesty! What beauty! How […]
The Order of Things
“Go do a little yoga,” the still, small voice in my head gently whispered. “But I’m tired, and if I get online, it’ll help me wake up!” the competing voice argued with authority. Guess which voice won out? The louder, argumentative voice scored a victory this time. However, not really a victory for me. Oh […]
Aha! I finally found what to call “it”! You know, that place where you kind of think you might have ADD, but you don’t know if you have ADD? You’re not sure if getting distracted or being disorganized or procrastinating might mean you have ADD, or just that life is stressful and sometimes overwhelming. “ADD-ish.” […]
Is There Enough?
Those icky, old familiar feelings. Panicky. Barely breathing because your lungs feel so tight. “Not enough money.” “Not enough time.” “Not doing enough.” “Maybe I’m just not enough…” Yuck. From there it can be a slippery slope to feeling discouraged, then overwhelmed, then hopeless. Have you been there? I certainly have. Anxiously taking some kind […]
Motivation for Change: Part 3
No discussion of change would be complete without your vision for change. Your vision for change is what pulls you forward, is what motivates and inspires you to make the changes needed for that vision to become reality. If your vision is lackluster or ho-hum or just not that compelling, what is there to pull […]
Effective Wisdom
When I walked into my 13-year-old daughter’s room, the entire floor was covered — with clothes, shoes (including many, many pairs of flip-flops in assorted colors), baskets, dress-up clothes, folders, binders, pom-poms, and who knows what all else. The sight completely freaked out my husband, who made some comment about a tornado having hit. I, […]