You Are Amazing!

You are AMAZING.

Truly, you ARE!  However, if “I’m not that bad” is as much as you can manage right now, please stop for a moment and find a statement that does not have a “not” in it.  Our brains disregard those negatives and tend to focus on the rest of the sentence.  Hence, “I’m that bad” is how your brain is translating it for you.  Perhaps not what you meant to say though…

Now, if you can say that with the positive twist it can have (“bad” meaning awesome…), then GO for it!  However, if it feels negative for you, then by all means, please change it to something like “I’m OK.”  Or “I’m doing the best I can.” Or some such phrase, OK?

Even better, however,

TRY “I am amazing!”

1) Get out a sheet of paper and write down “I am amazing” on the first line.

2) Then, have a dialogue with it.  What’s your FIRST response?  The FIRST thing you hear in your head?  Write down that response.  If it’s not, “I know!” then it might be something like, “No I’m not” or “That’s not true” or whatever.  Write it down.

3) THEN write “I am amazing” again.

4) And write down your response.  Could be the same thing.  Could be something different.  Doesn’t matter.  Write it down.

5) Keep going back and forth between “I am amazing” and whatever your response to that is.  Don’t over-think it; just go about it like you’re playing with it.  Because you are.

At your essence, you ARE amazing.

Each of us is amazing because of the uniqueness of who we are and what is possible for us.  Amazing, I say!

Try this out.  See what you experience.  Perhaps your experience will be nothing less than amazing, as an accurate reflection of who you truly are!

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